Thursday, April 30, 2009

2009-04-30 My Run Tonight

After a few days of business travel and 3 night of maintenance window work it was nice to get back to some running.

Ran 6.64 miles tonight. Burned 1348 calories.

Saturday, April 25, 2009

2009-04-25 More Mulch

More Mulch and More Mulch....

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

2009-04-22 My Run Tonight

Ran 5.4 miles tonight. Stopped running about 15 minutes earlier than normal and walked for a while. Just was feeling tired and my shins were not happy.

Sunday, April 19, 2009


Cross trained again today ;)

Finished the first truckload of mulch, weeded a few of the flowerbeds that were getting mulched.

Headed back to seone's and got 2 yards this time (got 1 yard the first time). Used about 1/2 of the new batch so far. Still have many of the back yard / inside the fence flower beds to go. Likely will need at least 1 more trip to seone's.

Also got some 'fast acting' lime and some grass seed. Spread those around the whole lawn. Need to figure out when i can hit the lawn with fertilizer now. It is supposed to rain tomorrow night, so should get things going.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

2009-04-18 Cross Training

Cross trained today By cleaning the yard.

Specific workout techniques included tree pruning, cutting back shrubs, picking up sticks, lots of sticks, curting back perenials like the butterfly bushes, raking, loading up the truck, performing the 25 foot lawn bag toss at the compost center, the brute trash barrel full of sand dead lift, weeding plant beds, and spreading mulch (dark brown BTW).

Thursday, April 16, 2009

2009-04-16 My Run Tonight

Ran 6.57 mles tonight. Burned 1385 calories. Run was hard, but better than yesterday.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

2009-04-15 My Run Tonight

Ran 6.64 miles tonight. Got to the Gym at about 7:45. Not a fun run, but a good one.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

2009-04-07 My Run Tonight

Ran 6.74 miles today. Burned 1424 calories. Got to the gym at 7pm. It was a good, but hard run. Good to get back into things afer vacation.

Best part, I get to sleep in tomorow :) So tired....

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

2009-03-31 My Run This Am

Went for a Run at 7am this morning with Joe and Mandy.  We left the apartments at 7am and were over in Soper's Hole at 7:30.  All planned on running out for a half hour and running back for a second half hour.

I ran 4.2 miles.  Felt OK going out as it was raining, but coming back the heat really started to kick in.  Funny part was that I turned around at the 2 mile mark (27 minutes) but got back at 50.something minutes.  So I actually ran back quicker than how I went out.

Run making running an event with Joe and Mandy.  We may do it again tomorrow (posting this a day late... ya know... Vacation and all....)